Friday 6 September 2024

1,344 MARTHA, Former Champ, Hamburger, Bristol Strange Brew, Thursday 5th September 2024


After yesterday’s shlep up that Big Smoke, here’s a closer one, down to Bristol’s relatively new Strange Brew for Durham’s own bouncy anarcho-punk popsters and queercore warriors Martha. A relatively quick return for Martha-punx, this, gig 1,254 at The Exchange in support of their spunky 4th album “Please Don’t Take Me Back” being barely 22 months ago, and also one where prima facie they seem to have nothing in particular to push or promote. Still, that last one was a bit of a barnstormer, so I’m always up for more from this bunch of effervescent helium indie punk popsters!

 A pretty crappy day saw me nearly blow this one off, but I eventually hauled my ass into the car for a solo trip down a drizzly mood-matching M4, parking in Nelson Street and meeting Stu, Andy and Nigel in the venue about 10 to 8. First support Hamburger were already squeezed onto the stage at this bohemian Arts Centre-esque space; they ploughed a similar furrow to tonight’s headliners, some gauche 80’s-influenced DIY indie tuneage getting my toes tapping early doors before they diverted into more understated, slower-burn (and slightly dull actually) Weezer-esque proto-emo stuff. My best memory of them was their thanks to the early comers before their closer; “I know Thursday is a premium night for “Settlers Of Catan”…!” 

Much better was to come though, with main support Former Champ; a female fronted 5-piece, opener “Beginner’s Luck” was a splendid robust piece of indie powerpop, and an early newie “Big Surprise!” recalled current faves The Beths with it’s undulating and accelerating guitar groove. A later “Sunday Morning” showed a different dreamier side with a more crafted, expansive and widescreen mid-paced vibe, before they switched up gears again for the final few numbers, finale “Hold On” the pick of the bunch with a Summery strumalong Smiths/ early Byrds feel. The fact they packed 11 numbers into a half-hour support slot as well, most of them economical and fat-free, was great value, so I could even forgive the slight verse structure steal from 60’s staple “Got To Get You Into My Life” for their nonetheless highly melodic “Porcelain”, plus vocalist Claire’s tones being a little understated and occasionally lost in the mix. Nope, Former Champ were ace, happily continuing the run of excellent Martha supports initiated last time out by Bigfatbig (gig 1,254), and prompted me to grab a list and buy a tshirt off Claire on the merch stand.

A quick loo trip and a chat with a visiting Gareth from Los Campesinos! who remembered our chat at their recent Exchange gig (gig 1,338) and complimented my This Mortal Coil tshirt, before back with the boys in their spot, halfway back for Martha’s arrival in short order at 9.15 to the backing music of Rush’s “Spirit Of Radio!” As ever, the PityMe DIY punksters were in no mood to fuck about, setting the tone for their set with the rampant amphetamine gabble and snaking riffery of “Beat Perpetual” and the quickfire, acerbic “Every Day The Hope Gets Harder”, featuring that Clash “Tommy Gun” drum outro. Pow pow, take that, Bristol!

The reason for this tour then became evident, drummer Nathan announcing, “10 years ago we released an album called “Courting Big”… it’s good you [the audience] whooped at that as we’re going to play 6 songs from it… here’s 4!” So, an impromptu celebration of their debut (despite their later mentioning one theme of 2022’s aforementioned “Please Don’t Take Me Back” was about not romanticising the past!) featured that album’s pounding “Cosmic Misery”, Naomi’s helium Minnie Mouse vocals on “1997 Passing In The Hallway” and the overlaid call and response and undulating riff of a later “1967 I Miss You I’m Lonely”, rebadged as a “Horny” sexy number tonight! In between, the joyous hook of an effervescent “Heart Sink” and the irrepressible singalong hook and descending riff of “Goldman’s Detective Agency” were highlights of a set which galloped along at a cracking pace, like wild ponies on a windswept Whitby beach. 

An overheating Naomi joked about changing her undies (!) before the hobnail boot-stomping “Chekhov’s Hangnail” and the “Silver Lining”-esque guitar of set closer “Love Keeps Kicking”. Drummer Nathan then made an impassioned plea on behalf of 2 charities, Pro Palestine and anti-Fascist group Red Flare (highly worthy and necessary causes both), before the pointed “Flag Burner” and a dark, dramatic “Void” rounded off another breathless, buoyant yet (at its’ conclusion) politically charged Martha set. I’d moved forward and seen the last half dozen numbers from nearer the front, hanging with 2000 Trees friends Jamie and Marc; then patience eventually got me Nathan’s set list, before I hit the road for a swift drive, home at 11.30, kebab in tow. Glad I went, as Former Champ and Martha provided the perfect antidote for my crappy day!

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