Wednesday, 8 December 2010
240 WONKY ALICE, Supp. The Bardots, Bristol Mauretania, Tuesday 27 April 1993
Despite being first into this venue tonight, we didn't manage to get on Wonky Alice's comprehensive guest list (which numbered 35 - mainly from locally based distribution company Revolver), unfortunately, although promises were made about us being on it next time! My first gig at The Mauretania - a dinky little pub venue with an oddly carpeted dancefloor, which gave the impression of dancing in someone's living room!
However, that didn't stop us from getting down the front and having a good old bop to Wonky Alice's set. They're getting better each time I see them, I reckon, and tonight they were rapier-sharp, insistent, itchy and atmospheric. Music it's impossible to keep still to, they totally spaced out the sparse crowd with their sci-fi mutant madness.
Off the dancefloor, sweaty as bollocks, I then kept a watching brief at the bar for headliners The Bardots; as, it seemed, did everyone else! They were OK in a Pale Saints/ B Movie shimmering guitars-y kind of way - damning them with faint praise, I know - but they played like a band who knew they'd been blown offstage by their support before they even turned up. Tonight belonged to Wonky Alice!
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