Tuesday, 14 December 2010
236 WONKY ALICE, Bleed, Bath Moles Club, Friday 2 April 1993
First gig back at this tiny, difficult to get in, hole in the wall Moles venue for over 6 years; good thing Beef is a member! We got in at 10.30 - virtually first in, forgot it was such a late one! - and hung out with Wonky lad Yves prior to the support band, Bleed, on at 10 to 11. A shame every song had to be a manifesto, as they were OK in a sub PJ Harvey kind of spiky blues way. The female vocalist however needed a soapbox, not a stage, for her liberalist beliefs which, whilst finding sympathy, left a bad taste when they're rammed down your throat all the time!
Sloshed the taste out with a few ciders before getting Wonky down the front, as the band came on at 11.30. Myself, Clive and Beef formed a 3 man moshpit as the band kicked into a surprisingly powerful "Sirius", and a subsequent astonishingly titanic set of their unique, sinewy mutant dance, spacey and unpredictable. No manifestos here, thankfully; just songs about space! A superb "Crazy Caterpillar" encored and rounded off Wonky Alice's best performance yet. Hung around afterwards, backstage with the band, helping them to finish their rider. They're in Bristol soon - so are we!
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