Thursday, 4 November 2010
288 RADIOHEAD, Marion, Bristol University Anson Rooms, Friday 10 March 1995
I seem to have a season ticket for this place at the moment! Still, shorts-clad and ready to go, we drove down anticipating a fine double-header, and as soon as we arrived, I headed straight for the moshpit for another great set from tonight's support Marion. The Manc superstars in waiting were totally brilliant again; ringing guitars and incendiary rhythm and pace, with pretty boy superstar-to-be Jamie Harding again grabbing the attention, despite having about as much room to dance as we in the crowded moshpit had! Their set already seems so familiar; "Time" with it's pulsating rhythms and plaintive, "are you missing her..." hookline, "I Stop Dancing" with it's racy chorus and "Oh'"s from Jamie; all reinforcing the fact that this band have all the marks of being destined for greatness and a wider audience - real soon!
By contrast, Radiohead were merely alright. Promoting the new, slower paced album "The Bends", which for me is somewhat disappointing after the bright swagger of their "Pablo Honey" debut, a lot of the songs in this set seemed withdrawn and introverted. The set really only came to life during oldies "Stop Whispering" and "Vegetable", which were nevertheless excellent from my moshpit vantage point. Still, they were onto a tough job following Marion in their current form; they just slightly couldn't live up to it. Sorry boys!
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